Visioning Workshop Materials — Petaluma General Plan Update

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Virtual Visioning Open house Materials and Activities

September 29, 2021 - October 22, 2021 | Self-guided

Share your vision for Petaluma! What are the top issues and opportunities facing Petaluma? Where should we plan for change? What values and principles should drive plans for Petaluma’s future?

Building on previous community surveys and workshops, the Visioning Open House is your chance to inform and confirm the direction of the updated General Plan. This Virtual Open House is a completely self-guided opportunity to provide input on the vision and progress made for the General Plan Update. Please go through and navigate the following activities to learn more, share your vision for Petaluma, and help inform plans for specific neighborhoods. Everyone is welcome to share their ideas and perspectives! These activities and materials will be available to view and complete through October 22, 2021.

Todos los materiales también están disponibles en Español y se pueden encontrar aquí:

The activities have closed. Thank you to everyone who provided their ideas and comments!


Need Help?

If you have any additional comments or questions after the meeting, feel free to email the planning team at

If you are new to the General Plan Update, we suggest you start here and watch a short background video on the General Plan Update. You can also watch the this Youtube video:

Background information


You can also find a General Plan Factsheet here.

Vision wall

How do you envision the city to be in 2045? You can see all of the ideas on the virtual Vision Wall on the Konveio website:

This document in the window below summarizes the preliminary draft “Pillars of Petaluma” (or values) and Guiding Principles for the General Plan. They were prepared based on the existing General Plan and previous community input, but we need your help to make sure they hit the mark. Please review the Pillars of Petaluma and Guiding Principles and leave comments by clicking on the document. Did we hit the mark? What is missing? Should any be removed or modified? 

The Pillars of Petaluma are broad values on which the General Plan will be constructed. There were developed based on comments and ideas provided by the community thus far in the update process. The Pillars can be thought of as cross-cutting values that permeate the entire update process and, ultimately, the content in the General Plan. 

The draft Guiding Principles include two parts: 1) the proposed Guiding Principle; and 2) “supporting concepts,” which are specific ideas and concepts mentioned by the community that relate to the principle. The final Guiding Principles will likely include a sentence (similar to what you see below) along with a brief paragraph that further describes the principle. (Note that the format will be similar to the existing General Plan with less detail in the description.) The supporting concepts are important to document now since they may serve as content for the description and/or be included as goals and policies in the General Plan. 

After the workshop, the Pillars and Guiding Principles will then be refined and brought back to the GPAC for further discussion, refinement, and then recommendation for approval by the City Council.

If you prefer to review the document in a new tab or browser, follow this link:

The commenting period is now closed.

Values & Guiding principles

In surveys and at area meetings and pop-up workshops, community members have identified specific locations in the city where new development should be considered and areas that should be maintained. In the Mentimeter Survey, please let us know what level and type of change are are needed. Your input will form the basis for upcoming community conversations about the land use, housing, and growth alternatives for the General Plan. There are two Mentimeter surveys. The first survey asks about areas in the northern part of the city, while the second survey asks about areas in the southern part of the city.

The Mentimeter Surveys are now closed.

Areas of discussion